Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates
We’ll have to battle both the disease and the fake news, writes BKC’s Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier
A Kansas case shows how misinformation can sway authorities
Natalie Gyenes
A Q&A with Jonas Kaiser about his YouTube research, which uncovered harmful content
Jonas Kaiser
AI can flag people based on their clothing or behavior, identify people's emotions, and find people who are acting "unusual”
Jonas Kaiser talks about his YouTube research and calls for transparency
The belief that China’s surveillance gives it an advantage is misleading—and dangerous, argues Bruce Schneier
BKC’s Judith Donath lends insight into the role of AI in parenting
Judith Donath
Research from BKC Faculty Co-Director William Fisher lends insight into the complaint
William Fisher
There are thousands of different tongues spoken around the world, but most of the content on the web is only available in a select few, primarily English.
Juan Ortiz Freuler
Chinmayi Arun hosts a discussion with Microsoft President during 2019 Verify Conference
Chinmayi Arun
Henry Farrell and BKC’s Bruce Schneier write a Forum Response to reactions to their earlier essay
What is the impact of digital technologies on deep-rooted Brazilian inequalities?
Virgilio Almeida
Francisco Gaetani
Sarah Newman discusses her Moral Labyrinth installation
Sarah Newman
Sabelo Mhlambi discusses why technology cannot be neutral
Sabelo Mhlambi
Chinmayi Arun on how AI affects, and will continue to affect, the Global South
metaLAB collaborates with local designer and researcher to create interactive, public tastings
Matthew Battles
Jessica Yurkofsky
As Microsoft works on cloud security, it’s looking to attract `White Hat’ hackers with rewards and legal guarantees.
Ram Shankar Siva Kumar
Pew survey finds that half of U.S. adults consider fake news a major problem, and they mostly blame politicians and activists for it
Yochai Benkler
Facebook is just one part of a broader media ecosystem, and not necessarily the most important one
A new paper used YouTubers’ voices to guess what they looked like. Was it ethical? Casey Fiesler weighs in.
Casey Fiesler