Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates
A legal, public health, and technical perspective from BKC’s Elizabeth Renieris.
Elizabeth Renieris
How the Adaptive Leadership Framework can help the international health community
Ashveena Gajeelee
Fear is the biggest motivator in spreading 'dangerous speech' in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, says BKC’s Susan Benesch
Susan Benesch
Zuckerman discusses the history of public broadcasting, and potential alternative models for the future.
Ethan Zuckerman
A thoughtful reflection on the recent report, "Youth & Digital Citizenship+," from Youth and Media
evelyn douek interviews Craig Silverman, the media editor for Buzzfeed News, for the Lawfare Podcast.
Evelyn Douek
Civil rights protections are as necessary in virtual spaces as in physical ones, Danielle Citron says
Danielle Citron
We shouldn’t risk our genetic privacy to find it, writes Ifeoma Ajunwa
Ifeoma Ajunwa
National digital development strategies need to recognise the potential and enable the change
Padmashree Gehl Sampath
Dipayan Ghosh says: YES.
Dipayan Ghosh
As long as COVID-19 is a global concern, many aspects of daily life will be mediated by platform companies that see human interactions as content to be moderated, and as sources…
Elettra Bietti
Woodrow Hartzog warns about the long-term consequences of the apps
Woodrow Hartzog
Mindy Seu talks about pursuing independent projects, the internet’s other histories and futures, archives, and spreadsheets with Frontier.
Mindy Seu
douek speaks with Columbia Journalism Review’s Mathew Ingram
Woodrow Hartzog and Evan Selinger argue against using facial recognition to combat COVID-19
evelyn douek explains Facebook’s Oversight Board
Danielle Citron and colleagues on the significance of deep fakes
Ifeoma Ajunwa on worker surveillance
Bruce Schneier shares insight into password security
Bruce Schneier
Bruce Schneier spoke to The Hill about the use of digital contact tracing.