Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates
VentureBeat cites paper from Elettra Bietti
Elettra Bietti
Zeyenp Tufecki featured in The New York Times
Zeynep Tufekci
Desmond Patton interviewed by NPR about police monitoring social media
Desmond Patton
Nani Jansen Reventlow comments on legal challenge to the use of facial recognition
Nani Jansen Reventlow
Researchers share concerns about free services and public health interventions by tech companies
Woodrow Hartzog
Christo Wilson
The Verge interviews Taylor Lorenz
Taylor Lorenz
Jasmine McNealy discusses the feature and the First Amendment
Jasmine McNealy
Ethan Zuckerman uses Media Cloud to explain the narrowing media agenda
Ethan Zuckerman
The #BigTech antitrust hearing and the path ahead for privacy
Elizabeth Renieris
Danielle Citron spoke with The New York Times about Facebook’s hate speech policies.
Danielle Citron
New Report from Woodrow Hartzog & Evan Selinger
Asaf Lubin discusses the Tracefi contact tracing system with The Harvard Crimson.
Asaf Lubin
Dipayan Ghosh and Stephen Wicker reflect on Congress’ antitrust hearing
Dipayan Ghosh
A review of Leonard Cortana’s documentary “Marielle’s Legacy Will Not Die”
Leonard Cortana
Margaret Bourdeaux speaks with Vanity Fair about the U.S. COVID testing system
Margaret Bourdeaux
Structural racism can be combatted only if there is political will, not more data.
“We cannot build a healthy democracy on top of an ailing communication system”
Joan Donovan
Sasha Costanza-Chock discusses their book Design Justice on New Books in Technology
Sasha Costanza-Chock
Twitter’s QAnon response underlines “how powerful and unaccountable” companies are, evelyn douek says.
Evelyn Douek
evelyn douek discusses Twitter’s recent plans to mitigate QAnon with Slate