Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates
Yochai Benkler discusses election misinformation with NPR
Yochai Benkler
evelyn douek and Zeynep Tufekci are cited by The New York Times
Evelyn Douek
Zeynep Tufekci
Joan Donovan joins the Today show to talk about disinformation.
Joan Donovan
Joan Donovan talks to the New York Times about election misinformation.
Joan Donovan explains recent disinformation campaigns
Nick Couldry and Dipayan Ghosh say a “digital realignment” is necessary
Nick Couldry
Dipayan Ghosh
Quentin Palfrey weighs in on poll workers in the lead-up to the November 3 election
Quentin Palfrey
Adam Nagy and Hilary Ross share reflections on public trust, equity, and governance from the Digital Pandemic Response Working Group
Adam Nagy
Hilary Ross
A new resource from Joan Donovan and the Shorenstein Center was featured in a newsletter from The Washington Post.
Scholars propose a "no conflict" rule for tech companies as a way to mitigate self-dealing behavior
Woodrow Hartzog
Joan Donovan asks, “when does a meme become disinformation?”
Babatunde Okunoye writes about an agenda for meaningful connectivity in Africa
Babatunde Okunoye
A Q&A with Mary Gray
Mary Gray
Mutale Nkonde joined the No More Normal podcast to discuss misinformation and algorithms.
Mutale Nkonde
BKC affiliate joins Mathew Ingram in conversation
Elettra Bietti
Joan Donovan profiled by New York Times for her work on disinformation
Kishonna Gray discusses online harassment in gaming with Good Morning America.
Kishonna Gray
Elettra Bietti speaks with Digital Privacy News
Amanda Third and colleagues produce report on online safety in the Pacific.
Amanda Third
Yochai Benkler joins Brian Selter on CNN’s Reliable Sources to discuss the US 2020 Election