Russell Newman, Nick Couldry, Velislava Hillman, Mitzi László and Gregory Narr discuss the comments to the US Federal Trade Commission's Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on…
With collaborators, Zahra Stardust presents a brief overview of recent literature and popular commentary, including suggestions for new research agendas in the sextech sphere.
RSM Visiting Scholar Jeffrey Hall studies whether chat negativity and the degree to which live chat rule sets encourage active (vs. passive) involvement influence participants’…
BKC Faculty Associate Ethan Zuckerman and Chand Rajendra-Nicolucci discuss the privacy considerations surrounding the creation of third-party social media tools to create a…
Chad Rajendra-Nicolucci and BKC Faculty Associate Ethan Zuckerman argue that fresh approaches to privacy will be necessary for the ecosystem of third-party tools that complement…
BKC Affiliates Bruce Schneier and Nathan Sanders opine on the great power that AI will have once it is capable of using real-world tools and urge that companies and regulators…
BKC Faculty Associate Beatriz Botero Arcila examines the question of how to regulate large language models to minimize risks while still allowing for potential benefits to be…
BKC Director Rebecca Tushnet comments on accountability for software companies servicing multi-level marketing companies accused of being pyramid schemes.
“Regulators take the…
BKC Faculty Associate Oren Bar-Gill and co-director of Artificial Intelligence and Law Project Cass R. Sunstein, co-write with Inbal Talgam-Cohen on addressing the potential harms…