Apryl Williams describes dating app algorithms as a reinforcer of longstanding racial biases that privilege whiteness and deprioritize matching women of color.
Professors Finale Doshi-Velez and Elena Glassman, with assistance from the Cyberlaw Clinic, submitted an administrative comment on AI to the National Institute of Standards and…
BKC Affiliate Kathy Pham draws on her own experience enrolling her children in summer camp to shed light on AI's current shortcomings: despite the hype, AI is not well equipped to…
BKC Faculty Associate Alicia Solow-Niederman analyzes real world examples of standards to show an inconvenient truth: that standards are neither objective nor neutral.
BKC Affiliate Kathy Pham argues that Large Language Models and other AI systems will only reach their full potential when a broader set of people build them.
RSM Visiting Scholar Anupam Chander argues that authoritarians might well exploit various mechanisms in the DSA to enlarge their control over the dissemination of information, and…
BKC Faculty Associate Jabari Evans welcomes RSM Visiting Scholar David Craig to his podcast to discuss the implications of race, class, and gender in the burgeoning field of…