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Citizen Media Law Project Legal Guide: final sections now live

Citizen Media Law Project Legal Guide: final sections now live

From the Citizen Media Law Project blog:

Today, we are launching the final sections of the Citizen Media Law Project's online guide to media law covering the risks associated with publishing online, including defamation and privacy law. (You can read the press release here.) The free online guide, which is intended for use by bloggers, website operators, and other citizen media creators, focuses on the legal issues that non-traditional and traditional journalists are likely to encounter as they gather information and publish their work online.

The legal guide, which runs more than 575 pages, is funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. It covers the 15 most populous U.S. states and the District of Columbia and is broken into six major sections:

Hop over to CMLP blog for the full rundown and acknowledgments!

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