Student Responsibilities

From Cyberlaw: Difficult Issues Winter 2010
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Pre-Course Responsibilities:

  1. Submit a fun introductory question you would like your fellow classmates to answer
    1. Submit to [email protected]
    2. Due December 10th by 5pm
    3. Answer the resulting survey compiled from the class’s questions
  2. Complete one of the following tasks and write a post on the course wiki about your experiences:
    1. Apply to be a LiveOps representative
    2. Interact with Twitterhawk or another commercial Twitter application
    3. Use Mechanical Turk (complete or post a HIT)
    4. Address / propose possible ideas for the Drumbeat Project
    5. Participate within an online community or service that touches on one of the cross-cutting themes of the course (due process on the internet, privacy/anonymity, mass collaboration, and motivating good & bad actors). It should be one you haven’t tried before. (e.g. Couchsurfing)
    6. Due by January 3rd
  3. Read Professor Zittrain's book The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop It
    1. Be prepared to be called upon in the first class to discuss the topics and ideas in the book
    2. Due by January 4th

Course Responsibilities:

  1. Attend all course meetings: be prepared and participate
  2. After the first introductory session on January 2nd, email the course admin ([email protected]) and rank the four main difficult problems in order of preference
    1. You will be assigned to a group of 5 based on your topic preference
    2. Due 4pm Wednesday, January 6
  3. Contribute to the course wiki on a regular basis
    1. Contributions may be adding information or readings, or posting questions
    2. Students should register a user name, should email the user name to the course admin, and then should be sure to log in before contributing
    3. Contributions count for course credit
  4. Each student should “sign up” for a week 2 class (by posting username on wiki under that subject)
    1. Students should post a hypothesis on the or wiki with their prediction of what the speakers’ biggest problems will be
      1. Predictions due before class
    2. After class, students should compare their predictions to the actual problems posed by speakers and react to the problems raised.
      1. Comments due before the next class meeting

(Optional) Field Trips & Panels: Field Trips will be arranged on week days to relevant locations (such as Facebook, eBay, and the Museum of Computer History). Students are encouraged to attend and to discuss their experiences/thoughts on the course wiki. Class time will also be reserved the next day to discuss field trips.

Group Responsibilities:

  1. Groups will be assigned based on topic preferences (see above)
  2. Groups should prepare for 15 minutes of “question time” during Week 2, during which students can seek advice & input on their proposed solutions from the class and any other brain trust members who are present that day.
  3. Presentations: groups will give a 30 minute presentation in Week 3 on their difficult issue and proposed solution. Students will be able to receive feedback from speakers present.
    1. Groups should also post a detailed summary of their presentation on the wiki
    2. This does not have to be very long, but should provide a write up of the proposed solution that can be available for critique and comment by other classmates and participants.
  4. Final Project:
    1. The final project is due Sunday, January 24th
    2. The format of the final project is open-ended with creativity encouraged. The goal is to contribute substantively to the difficult problem being addressed by your group. This could be a written “briefing paper”, a Wikipedia strategic proposal, a website designed to solve a problem, or any other appropriate format.